know i've got very dumbo modem . I don't know where had it came from, really what ulu brand la, Aztech, fuckng hell. connection was hell for the entire day la damn pissing ~ only like now it finally 'willing' to connect. aw anyway, dear Jeric, I hopeyou gona takecare alot in there @ RTC cos we'll be waitng here foryou.=)
am so much closer to o's each & everyday sigh. =(
thankyou friend very mcuh for enabling me to have a better perspective towards making new friends, meetng new people. I don't know if that duration period is very important but aye, fuck. why am i reminiscing it . stupid PINGHONGDU . okay anyway I wish you many lucks in whatever you do / doing .. thanks for that wonderful friendship shared and that very weird way of ending it , guess I won't be knowing whats th reason behind it just like I don't know why Ive lost yanling , she randomly appeared in my dreams that night , guess we were doing some old friends stuffs & when I woke up i randomly again called out yanling , sounded so gay lah but really, i miss this friend, verymuch. ;(
once again, whatever. cos i dont think im anywhere in her heart. seriously I don;t know why am I losing friends these days, perhaps problem really lies in me, aye WHATever again, cos i only treasure people who treasure me && I know who they are always & always=) Am I very right Charlotte,Crystal,Mazin,Doreen,Lynnette,Jessica,,Jerrome,Jerlin,Silas,CaiLi,Vince,Liang,Cecilia,Mong,Shirui,Shevone,Diana,Yanhan,Winnie
cos i believe alot they are the onlys ones who will always be the true ones around me..(:
Lets have so much gatherings right after O's.(:
am so much closer to o's each & everyday sigh. =(
thankyou friend very mcuh for enabling me to have a better perspective towards making new friends, meetng new people. I don't know if that duration period is very important but aye, fuck. why am i reminiscing it . stupid PINGHONGDU . okay anyway I wish you many lucks in whatever you do / doing .. thanks for that wonderful friendship shared and that very weird way of ending it , guess I won't be knowing whats th reason behind it just like I don't know why Ive lost yanling , she randomly appeared in my dreams that night , guess we were doing some old friends stuffs & when I woke up i randomly again called out yanling , sounded so gay lah but really, i miss this friend, verymuch. ;(
once again, whatever. cos i dont think im anywhere in her heart. seriously I don;t know why am I losing friends these days, perhaps problem really lies in me, aye WHATever again, cos i only treasure people who treasure me && I know who they are always & always=) Am I very right Charlotte,Crystal,Mazin,Doreen,Lynnette,Jessica,,Jerrome,Jerlin,Silas,CaiLi,Vince,Liang,Cecilia,Mong,Shirui,Shevone,Diana,Yanhan,Winnie
cos i believe alot they are the onlys ones who will always be the true ones around me..(:
Lets have so much gatherings right after O's.(:
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